
How to Add a New “sshd_adm” Service on AIX 5L

Apr 28, 2007 | 3 minutes read
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Tags: SSH, Service

— /etc/ssh/sshd_config_adm Tue Jul 5 13:36:44 2005

*** 11,16 **** — 11,17 —- — 35,45 —-

*** 77,82 **** — 76,82 —-

Create the sshd_adm service:

# mkssys -p /usr/sbin/sshd \   /* Absolute path to the subsystem executable
                                  program. */
         -s sshd_adm \         /* Name that uniquely identifies the subsys. */
         -u 0 \                /* User id for the subsystem. */
         -a "-D -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config_adm" \   /* Arguments that must be
                                                    passed to the command. */
         -e /dev/console \     /* Where the subsystem standard error data is
                                  placed. */
         -i /dev/console \     /* Where the subsys. standard input is routed. */
         -o /dev/console \     /* Where the subsys. standard output is placed. */
         -R \                  /* Subsystem is restarted if the subsystem stops
                                  abnormally. */
         -Q \                  /* Multiple instances of the subsystem are not
                                  allowed to run at the same time. */
         -S \                  /* Subsystem uses the signals communication
                                  method. */
         -f 9 \                /* Signal sent to the subsystem when a forced
                                  stop of the subsystem is requested. */
         -n 15 \               /* Signal sent to the subsystem when a normal
                                  stop of the subsystem is requested. */
         -E 20 \               /* Execution priority of the subsystem. */
         -G ssh \              /* Subsystem belongs to the group specified. */
         -d \                  /* Inactive subsystems are displayed when the
                                  lssrc -a command request is made. */
         -w 20                 /* Time, in seconds, allowed to elapse between a
                                  stop cancel (SIGTERM) signal and a subsequent
                                  SIGKILL signal. */

Check the service's configuration:

# lssrc -S -s sshd_adm                   
sshd_adm::-D -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config_adm:/usr/sbin/sshd:0:0:/dev/console:/dev/console:/dev/console:-R:-Q:-S:0:0:\

Or directly querying the ODM internal database:

# odmget -q subsysname=sshd_adm SRCsubsys

        subsysname = "sshd_adm"
        synonym = ""
        cmdargs = "-D -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config_adm"
        path = "/usr/sbin/sshd"
        uid = 0
        auditid = 0
        standin = "/dev/console"
        standout = "/dev/console"
        standerr = "/dev/console"
        action = 1
        multi = 0
        contact = 2
        svrkey = 0
        svrmtype = 0
        priority = 20
        signorm = 15
        sigforce = 9
        display = 1
        waittime = 20
        grpname = "ssh"

Create (copy) the sshd_adm configuration file:

# cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config_adm

Edit and modify the sshd and sshd_adm configuration files according to:

# diff -c /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config_adm
*** /etc/ssh/sshd_config        Tue Jul  5 13:36:44 2005
  # default value.
  #Port 22
+ Port 77
  #Protocol 2,1
  #ListenAddress ::
*** 34,46 ****
  #LoginGraceTime 2m
  #PermitRootLogin yes
- PermitRootLogin no
  #StrictModes yes
  #RSAAuthentication yes
  #PubkeyAuthentication yes
  #AuthorizedKeysFile   .ssh/authorized_keys
- AuthorizedKeysFile    /var/.ssh/%u/authorized_keys
  # For this to work you will also need host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
  #RhostsRSAAuthentication no
  #AllowTcpForwarding yes
  #GatewayPorts no
  #X11Forwarding no
+ X11Forwarding yes
  #X11DisplayOffset 10
  #X11UseLocalhost yes
  #PrintMotd yes

Start the new service and restart the old one:

# stopsrc -g ssh
# startsrc -g ssh

Here, the same sshd binary is used for the two services sshd and sshd_adm. There is no need to dissociate them (as on GNU/Linux or Solaris for ps(1) listings) since the lssrc command can do that more easily.

Because sshd and sshd_adm are in the same group of service, there is no need to add anything else to be able to start sshd_adm at run-level #2:

# ls -l /etc/rc.d/rc?.d/*ssh*
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root     system          307 Apr 29 17:46 /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Ksshd
-r-xr-xr-x   1 root     system          308 Apr 29 17:46 /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/Ssshd