The fact is I failed to mention I had the opportunity to assist to the free sessions given late March at the OpenSolaris Day at Sun Tech Days, at Paris La Défense. It was a very pleasant moment, with really nice presentations by great well-known speakers. I was particularly interested (and impressed) by “The Zen of Free” and “New Security Features in OpenSolaris” presos, respectively given by Simon Phipps, and Darren J. Moffat. I knew them from OpenSolaris mailing lists, and enjoyed to be able to see them in real life.
The end of the days was punctuate by a French talk given by Bruno Bonfils which, with Laurent Blume, are the leaders of the French OpenSolaris User Group (FOSUG).
I now hope to be available to see the first data center in a box, code-named Project Blackbox... at Paris Quai de Bercy this time.
As a last note, you can read what William Bonnet (from GUSES, “Groupe d’Utilisateurs du Système d’Exploitation Solaris”) have to say on the first two days of this particular event.