Tags: LDAP
One very interesting feature available in the LDAP client implementation found on the Solaris platform is the capacity to define most of the characteristic of a client specification in a profile, which can itself be stored in an LDAP directory.
This way, you can easily change, deploy and modify common informations for lots of clients. You can even change the duration of these informations, using a Time To Live parameter (such as the TTL found in DNS systems). This can be handy in the case of the push of new or updated settings.
For example, you can easily define a Solaris system as a LDAP client with all of relevant characteristics in the workstation profile:
# ldapclient init \
-a profileName=workstation \
-a proxyDN=cn=proxyagent,ou=profile,dc=example,dc=com \
-a proxyPassword=proxypassword \
-a domainName=dc=example,dc=com \