
Sun’s Free Proficiency Assessment System

Sep 26, 2008 | 1 minute read
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“Free. Online. Right now.” As Peter Tribble mentioned in his blog, it is clearly not perfect and some questions (and answers) seems a little obscure sometimes. Nonetheless, as I have never had any (yes, any) formal training, I though interesting to try these tests, and here are the results for pre-assessment for:

  1. UNIX Essentials Featuring the Solaris 10 OS, I scored 37 out of 42.
  2. Sun Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS (Part 1), I scored 45 out of 48.
  3. Certified System Administrator for the Solaris 10 OS (Part 2), I scored 45 out of 48.

Maybe, is it time to pass to official Solaris Operating System certifications? ;)

  • Sun Certified Solaris Associate (SCSAS)
  • Sun Certified System Administrator (SCSA)
  • Sun Certified Network Administrator (SCNA)
  • Sun Certified Security Administrator (SCSECA)

Well... if time permit!