
Obtaining these sorts of particular and specific informations (such as MultiPath I/O status) from a Virtual I/O Server can be very easily achieved using the following one (long) line shell script, helped by the lsdev(1), lscfg(1) and lspath commands:

# for disk in `lsdev | grep hdisk | egrep  -v "SCSI Disk Drive|Raid1" | awk '{print $1}'`
> do
> lscfg -v -l ${disk} | egrep "${disk}|Manufacturer|Machine Type|ROS Level and ID|Serial Number|Part Number"
> echo "`lspath -H -l ${disk} | grep ${disk} | awk '{print\"\tMultiPath I/O (MPIO) status: \"$1\" on parent \"$3}'`"
> echo ""
> done

  hdisk3           U787B.001.DNW3897-P1-C3-T1-W5006048448930A41-L9000000000000  EMC Symmetrix FCP MPIO RaidS
        Machine Type and Model......SYMMETRIX       
        ROS Level and ID............5670
        Serial Number...............9312A020
        Part Number.................000000000000510001000287
        MultiPath I/O (MPIO) status: Enabled on parent fscsi0
        MultiPath I/O (MPIO) status: Enabled on parent fscsi1

  hdisk4           U787B.001.DNW3897-P1-C3-T1-W5006048448930A41-LA000000000000  EMC Symmetrix FCP MPIO RaidS
        Machine Type and Model......SYMMETRIX       
        ROS Level and ID............5670
        Serial Number...............9312E020
        Part Number.................000000000000510001000287
        MultiPath I/O (MPIO) status: Enabled on parent fscsi0
        MultiPath I/O (MPIO) status: Enabled on parent fscsi1

Pattern SCSI Disk Drive is excluded since it represents local SCSI disks, as well as pattern Raid1 because it is a view corresponding to parity disks (which are logical disks only used by SAN administrators).