
Encapsulation of the Data’s Disk using SVM

Apr 28, 2007 | 1 minute read
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Tags: SVM

Examples of a raw device and a file system using soft partition.

  1. c0t10d0s2 represents the first data disk
  2. c0t11d0s2 represents the second disk (mirror)

Duplicate the label's content from the data disk to the mirror disk. There are two slices on it:

  • s4 for the replicas
  • s7 for all the data using soft partitions
# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s2 | fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2

Create replicas of the metadevice state database:

# metadb -a -c3 c0t10d0s4
# metadb

Creation of metadevices:

# metainit d17 1 1 c0t10d0s7
# metainit d27 1 1 c0t11d0s7

Create the first part of the mirror:

# metainit d7 -m d17

Attach the second part of the mirror:

# metattach d7 d27

Verify all:

# metastat -p
# metastat | grep \%

Example #1: create a raw device for Sybase...

# metainit d30 -p d7 2g
# chown sybase:sybase /dev/md/rdsk/d30

Example #2: create a new file system for Sybase...

# mkdir -p /files/sybase
# metainit d31 -p d7 1g
# newfs /dev/md/rdsk/d31
# grep d31 /etc/vfstab
/dev/md/dsk/d31 /dev/md/rdsk/d31 /files/sybase ufs 2 yes logging
# mount /files/sybase
# chown sybase:sybase /files/sybase
# ln -s /files/sybase /opt/sybase

Example #3: Grow an existing file system for Sybase...

# metattach d31 +1g
# growfs -M /files/sybase /dev/md/rdsk/d31