
Using ksh(1) History and Keys in Emacs Mode

Apr 28, 2007 | 2 minutes read
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Tags: Utility

In order to map the arrow keys to use history commands under the emacs mode with ksh(1), please put the following lines in the ${HOME}/.kshrc:

# Arrow keys to use history commands under the emacs command edition mode.
alias __A=`echo "\020"`   # mapping arrow key 'up'
alias __B=`echo "\016"`   # mapping arrow key 'down'
alias __C=`echo "\006"`   # mapping arrow key 'right'
alias __D=`echo "\002"`   # mapping arrow key 'left'
alias __H=`echo "\001"`   # mapping arrow key 'home'

There are two underline characters in alias commands.

To be able to get the PageUp and PageDown keys to work in vi(1), edit the ${HOME}/.exrc file and insert the following lines:

" Mapping PageUp & PageDown keys.
map  ^[[5~   ^B
map  ^[[6~   ^F

Note: comment begin with a " in .exrc, not a #.

How to enter the ^[[5~ character? You have to type Control+V, then press the PageUp key.

How to enter the ^B character? You have to type Control+Vn then press the Control+B keys.

As a last tip, here is how to change the prompt using working directory information. Using export PS1='${PWD} $ ', the behavior is as follow:

/home/jpeg $ cd
/home/jpeg $ cd /var/log
/var/log $

Using export PS1='${PWD##*/} $ ', the behavior is as follow:

jpeg $ cd
jpeg $ cd /var/log
log $